2011년 1월 7일 금요일

Writing class in KMLA - writing chain:It was a dark stormy night by class23

 I think it was a pretty good story. The start was a dark stormy night, so I was trying to make it as a scary horror story, but actually it became better than I thought. But the last part and the name of people, because it was little complicated, it was not my type. So, I changed those into more simple names and relationships.
It was a dark stormy night. A men was looking out of his window. He was human hunter, whose name was Jigsaw. He spotted one man. His eyes started to glow in the dark. That poor man didn't know he was not going to see the sunlight again after this night. His job was professor and as usual, he was walking slowly to his house to see his cute son and his beautiful wife. He also was a professor who taught Jigsaw in the college. The professor's name was Mr. Harry. He almost always punished Jigsaw and he is the one who made Jigsaw unable to see his family again. Suddenly, Jigsaw jumped out of the window. He didn't get hurt because he is trained as a killer at army. Behind him. Jigsaw thought for a while.
'Hmm... is it right for me to kill my past professor?? But he killed my parents. It is right for me to kill him for the revenge. That's right. I will KIL:L HIM!!!!'
After few seconds. Mr. Harry was bleeding under Jigsaw's foot, who was smiling, dead. The police came but it was too late. There was no Jigsaw but his note, wrote
' I'm human hunter Jigsaw. From now, I will kill everyone who has done something to me and my family. You should beware of  me. I will give 1 day. You better leave this country. ' From that day, on the news, always there was Jigsaw's face and notes which was different everyday, and person who was dead. This was a life he dreamed everyday. He kept running away, enjoying the thrill of murder. From the day when police found first note of  Jigsaw, exactly one year past. Jigsaw knew that there will be lots of polices there. And he was right. But, he went there anyways. He needed a swat tank for his another mission. He got a person tracking him, and he was now right behind him, whose name was lemon. Lemon shouted " there is Jigsaw!! Kill him before he kills anyone!!!" Using that time, Polices in the swat tank came out. Jigsaw climbed in there and started the engine. Inside, there were many weapons. He took bombs and landmines and threw them towards other tanks and cars following him. Luckily, he could destroy all of them. One strange thing about Jigsaw was that he didn't made his teams. Other famous killers such as Harang, who was Jigsaw's father, made so many teams in the world, and as I told, MR. Harry knew that and tell that to police and made him to get death penalty. 30 years past after that. Jigsaw was now too old. There was one person left who killed all the families even cousins of Jigsaw, president of america. Old swat tank was in his garage with new weapons never used. we started the engine and went to white house, where president was living. Guards thought strange about why old swat tank will come here. Jigsaw ignored them and killed all, and stole the monster truck they had. He crashed in the glass door. There was U.S president right infront of him. Jigsaw fired every weapons he got. Eventually, none of them could get to the president, but to his body guards. He took bombs out and hugged president. More guards came but it was too late. Bomb was fired and they both died.                                                                           - The End -
I think the first one was little complicated story, so I changed into more simple, short and impacting story I liked the story afterall

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