2011년 1월 11일 화요일

< after watching " spring, summer, fall, winter, spring "

     Movie  spring, summer, fall, winter, spring is a movie which one young monk's master saw him tortchering animals, fish, frog, snake, and did same thingto him., which was tieing a rock to his body to teach him a lesson. There can be many people that disagree with master's teaching method. At the first scene, I thought like that also. I thought he was too cruel to the boy. However, now, I think it is reasonable punishment for the action that boy did. I think its the most effective and a thing that leaves a strong meaning to someone who did sojmething wrong. So, I agree with his strange teaching sklls to make him know his faults well. And this one thing following is my own experience which is very similar - almost the same punishment I got to the teacher, for similar reason.
     This was a thing which happened in my own school. When I was 3rd grade, there was a game called attack the ants. Do you know how to play this game?? It is same as the name. Just attacking ants, stepping on them. As usual, I was attacking the ants at break time with my friends. It was fun as usual. Everything were same exept one big thing which was different happened. One friend of mine got cauget by teacher. It might be okay if it was our homeroom teacher. However, unluckily, it was the scariest teacher in our school -  our math teacher. He caught only one boy, not me. Don't think I'm lucky yet. My story is not finished yet. That jerk called everyone who played together with him to teacher. Of course, I was in that group also. The punishment was, we being the ants and him acting almost the same we did to ants. We lied in front of the class. And later, he started to step on our back. It was very painful. Luckily, we didn't died like those poor ants. Now, he is not in our school. He got cauget by headmaster of our school. But after that lesson which was very cruel to me,  we could not step on ants again.
     In conclusion, like this, I think even though the way punishing is cruel, I think it is good to have the method which is cruel, but effective, like the thing that master done to his pupil.

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