2011년 1월 23일 일요일

1st person narrative

I'm going to revenge to my school homeroom teacher, who did very bad thing to me.
My plan is to hack her naver account and blow up everything, from our scores to school's secret documents. Because she is the head of the teachers, she has almost every important and secert documents. And when I blow them up, She will not be seen in our school anymore. First, I should know her ID and password. I know how to do it. When I know her personal number, it could be the easiest thing in the world. Luckily, I memorized it already. From her ID card, I took a picture of  the number of her card. If  I want, I can do or see everything which is secret and important to our class and to our school. But, those things are too weak. I can erase everything. When I press shift +delete, the documents that are erased can't be back again. I will start that when I go back to school after vacation. If teacher hits me one more time, I will kill her account and every secret documents.

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