2011년 1월 18일 화요일

My speech

Hello! My name is 최준영 from class 23. Today, in this speaking contest, I will talk about one main topic, about cigarettes. Many might think I am talking smoking is bad. Well, actually, I don't disagree from an idea of smoking. Truly in my own opinion, I think smoking is not that bad. Of course, I won't smoke when I grow up. However, some enjoys cigarettes, and some, also can do much better job when they do them after smoking. A good example is my friend's father. Anyway, as to emphasize, I'm never saying that smoking is bad. The thing I want to tell is, the cigarette butts of snipes, which are on fire, are bad. Some might think like this. ' It's just a little end of cigar, what that little thing can do'. From now, I will tell you a scariest thing that 'little thing' can make.
There are two examples which will help me to support my claim. First one is for people, mainly, and another is for animals in the wild or pets. Let's start with our first one, about humans. This was the time when I went to the amusement park. I was playing with my friends because it was one of their birthday. We took roller coasters, zirodrop(name of a machine), and many other things. And the time we would go home, we were exhausted. Maybe that was a frist time for us to feel that we wanted to study. At last, we could hear a magnificent scream and cry. I couldn't distinguish what is what because it was a extremely high tone. However, the source of them were different. One was from baby inside its baby carriage, and another was from his mother. Although the origin of the screams were different, the reason was exactly the same. The baby carriage was burning with the baby still inside!!! Everyone who was there were terrified and moved busily to turn off the fire. Luckily fire was gone after a moment. One interesting scene was, the men pouring a fire extinguisher on baby's face. It might been helpful for fire fighting, but eventually, it made baby cry much more louder. Do you know why this had happened?? It is because a little cigarette butt which is thrown by a men. That little thing can had killed one human life!!!!
Another is, for animals, especially if they are stupid. I raised two dogs once. However, here,

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