2011년 1월 25일 화요일

changed speech

Hello! My name is 최준영 from class 23. Today, during this speech contest, I will talk about one main topic, about cigarettes. Many might think that I am going to talk about how smoking is bad. Well, actually, I don't disagree with the idea of smoking. Truly in my own opinion, I think smoking is not that bad. Of course, I won't smoke when I grow up. However, some people enjoys cigarettes, and some, also can do a much better job than the one they normally do after having a smoke. A good example is my friend's father. Anyway, as to emphasize, I'm not saying that smoking is bad. The thing I want to talk about is the problem with cigarette butts which are on fire and how they are dangerous. Some might think like this. It's just a little end of a cigar, what can that little thing do? From now, I will tell you some of the scariest things that 'little thing' can do.
There are two examples which will help me to support my claim. First one is for people, mainly, and another is for animals in the wild or pets. Let's start with our first one, about humans. This was at a time when I went to an amusement park. I was playing with my friends because it was one of their birthdays. We rode on the roller coasters, Gyro drop and other rides. And by the time we were ready to go home, we were exhausted! Maybe that was the first time that we all felt like we wanted to study. At last, we could hear a magnificent scream and cry. I couldn't distinguish what is what because it was an extremely high tone. However, the source of the screams and cries were different. One was coming from a baby inside its baby carriage, and the other one was coming from his mother. Although the origins of the screams were different, the reason was exactly the same. The baby carriage was burning with the baby still inside!!! Everyone who was there was terrified and moved quickly to put out the fire. Luckily the fire was put out with haste. One interesting scene was when a man sprayed the fire extinguisher on baby's face. It might have been helpful for fire fighting, but eventually, it made the baby cry much louder. Do you know why this had happened?? It is because a little cigarette butt which was thrown by a man. That little thing could have taken a human life!!!!
Another incident concerns animals, especially if they are stupid. I have raised two dogs. However, here, the main thing I'm going to talk about is the first dog, which is a Siberian husky that is huge. Because it is a sled dog, it is very strong. Because it is very strong, I am not able to control it if it gets crazy in front of me. One day, I did a little experiment. I got on a skateboard, and made it pull it while I was in. It went fast enough. It was actually faster than being pulled by my friends. Anyway, even though if a dog is strong, it is still okay if it is quiet and obeys its owner. However, this is not the case with my dog. Mine is probably the stupidest dog I've ever met in my 12 year life!!! It barks at anybody, it always tries to run away and it eats anything and even though he is ten years old, he still goes to the washroom in the house. It’s frustrating! Anyhow, here is the story. It was not that long ago. It was just three months ago from now. I was bringing him for a walk to the park and of course I was on my skateboard. And there, I met my friend. I took my one leg down form skateboard and started to talk with my friend. I ordered him to sit. Surprisingly he listened and actually sat. However, a moment later, I could feel the neck rope was pulling out at an extremely rapid speed. My dog had spotted a cigarette butt. If there was only that and no fire, it might have been okay. Unluckily, it had spotted one which was still on fire. And can you guess what happened next? You got it! Correct. It started to put that in his mouth and chew. And it drove him crazy. Jumping up and down, running everywhere, and lastly, went into the water fountain in the park. When I went home, my parents were very angry at me for not taking good care of my own dog. Believe it or not, these two examples are absolutely true.
Lastly, this is some information from the internet. A little naver knowledge for you. According to an internet site article called Cigarette accidents, only 5% of accidents are caused by cigarette butts. However, all of them were big things such as burning babies or crazy dogs.
In conclusion, these stories are just two examples of mine and one some internet information about statistics. Let's not throw our cigarette butts everywhere. If there is one adult beside you doing that, stop him before something big thing happens.
Thank you for listening to my speech.

2011년 1월 23일 일요일

2nd person narrative

You wake up and turns on the computer. There is a new starcraft and Sudden Attack series in my hard disk. There is some time to go to school. And you kept playing..... playing.... playing...... And at last, you sees the message - you had passed three hours logged in sir. Take a rest please.And then, you sees a clock. Oh My God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's already 2'O clock  P.M!!!!!!!  you are doomed. And you decides to pretend sick and keep playing. When your mom comes home, you will not be able to see the sunlight again.

1st person narrative

I'm going to revenge to my school homeroom teacher, who did very bad thing to me.
My plan is to hack her naver account and blow up everything, from our scores to school's secret documents. Because she is the head of the teachers, she has almost every important and secert documents. And when I blow them up, She will not be seen in our school anymore. First, I should know her ID and password. I know how to do it. When I know her personal number, it could be the easiest thing in the world. Luckily, I memorized it already. From her ID card, I took a picture of  the number of her card. If  I want, I can do or see everything which is secret and important to our class and to our school. But, those things are too weak. I can erase everything. When I press shift +delete, the documents that are erased can't be back again. I will start that when I go back to school after vacation. If teacher hits me one more time, I will kill her account and every secret documents.

out my window - highrise

I'm going to write about life of sylva, who is visual artist and living in high building
First, I will talk about her life.
She had twins.
They became the huge turning point to her life.
Because she is an visual artist, she was used to traveling and going anywhere.
However now, because the twins were borned, she can't to such things
In her apartment or town, at first, the town was gray.
I could see through the pictures where she made into slide show.
The buildings were actually gray.
Because of the gray buildings, the sky looked like gray too.
It was definitely not a good looking.
However, it started to develop.
From 1989, there was a revolution on buildings.
So, as I could see in one picture of building, which is after revolution, it was colorful and sky, was also changed into marine blue.
Now, I will compare this with my own town, called Daegu in Korea.
I think Daegu is developed city. I'm satisfied with it, al least Daegu is not a small town.
However, its was not occured in one second.
The time went by, and it started to develop slowly.
Because Daegu was surrounded by mountains, it was difficult to develop it.
Trucks cannot go inside, there was no worth to develop it.
Howevr, from then, Daegu started to develop itself. The korean government's order of develop the whole city in  Korea.
I think the relationship between sylva and our city is quite deep.
As the revolution period goes by, her town and my town started to develop slowly, and the gray time passed and it became the good places to live in.

2011년 1월 19일 수요일

Wacky web tale

I fell asleep yesterday listening to an old album that my mom had. I really enjoyed it, though I had a weird dream. It was kind of like one of the old songs.
I've been workin' in house,
All the beautiful day.
I've been workin' in house,
Just to pass the time away.
Don't you hear the whistle thrilling?
Rise up so early in the morn.
Don't you hear Obama shouting
Johnny, play your horn? ”
Johnny, won't you play,
Johnny, won't you play,
Johnny, won't you play your horn?
Johnny, won't you play,
Johnny, won't you play,
Johnny, won't you play your horn?
Someone's in the sector 7 with Johnny.
Someone's in the sector 7, I know.
Someone's in the sector 7 with Johnny
Strumming on the old gunshot.
It was the weirdest dream I've had in a long time!